Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The "Lost Art" of Play - Technorati Family

And as adults we don't play enough either. So few of us really understand the concept of play, where it involves body mind and spirit. Playing solitaire on the computer just doesn't cut it!The "Lost Art" of Play - Technorati Family

Thursday, August 26, 2010

webpresents4u - Google Search

Yahoo, I just showed up in a google search!!!!webpresents4u - Google Search

Google Launches Real-Time Search Homepage and New Tools

The one stop shop, after visiting Facebook and Twitter. Google Launches Real-Time Search Homepage and New Tools

Pee Power to the People : Discovery News

Now this is a renewable resource Pee Power to the People : Discovery News

Why Google Has No Game

Insight into the Facebook success in social network marketing and Why Google Has No Game

Twitter or Facebook: Which Is Right for Your Business?

Twitter or Facebook: Which Is Right for Your Business?: "Another thing this data makes clear: It doesn't matter what industry you're in, you should be experimenting with social media. Check out the reach manufacturing and waste management businesses are getting! And not just one -- that's an average of at least 10 businesses."

Early Puberty for girls

It is so sad how the damage we are doing to our planet is effecting the innocent.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


As I do the business of my business for my business, I run across many gems the share with other entrepreneurs. 
I am posting most of these on my Facebook pages, http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Key-West-FL/Web-Presents-4-U/108085439247877?ref=sgm and http://www.facebook.com/insights/?sk=po_108085439247877#!/?ref=home
Check out these pages for wonderful aids in running a small business. 

Monday, August 23, 2010

Bollywood Superstar Aamir Khan Shines the Spotlight on What's Caused an Estimated 150,000 Farmer Suicides in India | World | AlterNet

Bollywood Superstar Aamir Khan Shines the Spotlight on What's Caused an Estimated 150,000 Farmer Suicides in India | World | AlterNet

Advertising: How Facebook Became the Biggest CRM Provider - Advertising Age - Digital

Advertising: How Facebook Became the Biggest CRM Provider - Advertising Age - Digital

What connections have I made so far?

As I mentioned before, the creation of this business coincided with a request from a friend for this kind of service. This blog will include links to show what I did for that business. 
Initially, there is the already well established web site - http://www.keywestsailingadventure.com/ where I was able to download the Logo and pictures. 
There was also a now improved personal Facebook page - http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/profile.php?id=100001215394106&ref=ts 
Next we went to Twitter - http://twitter.com/keywestsailing

I have also submitted a report to CNN iReport, Small Biz section. 
Pretty busy, and loving it?

Start A Business For Under $1000 | The Mogul Mom

Start A Business For Under $1000 | The Mogul Mom

Eating Fruit

A wonderful articel arrived in my inbox from Dr Scott Einhorn, a member of the Vitalist discussion group. the article contains pages discribing the healthiest way to eat fruit. have a look.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Rainy Sunday

A good morning of working, then i decide to go for my "spoke and stroke". That is a bike ride and a swim. If I use the hot tub, then is is a Spoke, Stroke and Soak.
(AKA Peddle and Paddle)
It started to rain, and I thought that I might get wet, so I returned home. Actually, it wasn't the fear of the rain that brought me home, it was the size of the Cuban Mix Sandwich from the Cuban Coffee Queen that I had for lunch. Left overs are in the fridge.

Saturday, August 21, 2010


As with many people, I recently lost my job. As soon as I am unemployed, I have slipcover business comes out from under the covers. While promoting this business, I put some pictures on Facebook. I have noticed that many businesses have FB pages, and most of these pages lie dormant, because the business owner is so busy minding their business. I suggested to a friend who was not on FB, that he would benefit from having a FB page. A few days later, he asked if I would like to do it for him. Simultaneously I had seen that there is a niche for people to do just that, create and maintain pages for small businesses in the expanding social networking web of Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Youtube and EBay. So there it is, I have called the business webpresents4u. Any ideas or feed back would be welcomed.


This is an interesting project. I have started to work at my new venture, and am discovering so many tools to facilitate my efforts.
Writing a blog is a new expereince for me. I appreciate patience while I get used to this one.